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Patriarch ChestnutBar (*nod) [Barbarian]   SC Ladder #35/9


Level 150 Experience 12353418 (0%)
Strength 1195 Life 11549/4700
Dexterity 20 Mana 4493/750
Vitality 30 Inventory Gold 1500000
Energy 5 Stash Gold 2500000
Free stat points 0 Signets eaten 400
Monsters killed 1132165 Character deaths 91
Bosses killed 1026 Time spent 163:31:56
Boss first kills 0 Charms completion 80%


Nomad 15Wolf Companion 1Lion Stance 25Ancient Blood 1Hunter's Mark 1Snake Stance 25Mountain King 1Bear Stance 1Wolven Guide 1Eagle Stance 30Wolf Stance Warmonger 25Stampede 5Overkill 1Bloodthirst 5Mighty Vigor 5Aptitude 1Fortress Mastery 7Endurance 10Specialization
Reward 1Immortal 1Runemaster Oskills 1Bloodlust 53Broadside 1Gift of the Wild 21Guard Tower 1Jitan's Gate 11Orb of Annihilation 3Purify 1Summon Edyrem 15Teleport 1Time Warp 36Wolf Companion
1Free skill points

Items Jewelry finder

Name Type Location
Super Healing Potion [2x]
Potion Belt
The Worshipper
Marrow Staff (SSSU) Cube
Event Award:
Charm Cube
Horadric Cube
Horadric Cube Inventory
Amulet (SU) Inventory
Locket of Dreams
Amulet (SU) Inventory
Death Ward
Amulet (SU) Inventory
Amulet Inventory
Empyrean Touch
Empyrean Touch Inventory
Mystic Dye - Light Grey [3x]
Dye Inventory
Corrupted Wormhole
Charm Inventory
The Glorious Book of Median
Charm Inventory
Riftwalker's Eye
Charm Inventory
The Book of Lies
Charm Inventory
Laser Focus Crystal (Heroic)
Charm Inventory
Sunstone of the Twin Seas
Charm Inventory
Seal of the Nephalem Kings
Ring (SSU) Inventory
Demonstone Blood
Jewel (TU) Inventory
Beads of the Snake Queen
Amulet (SSU) Inventory
Tyr Rune (03)
Enchanted Rune Inventory
Dream Fragment (2)
Dream Fragment (2) Inventory
Mystic Dye - Bright White
Dye Inventory
Spirit of Creation
Charm Inventory
Dulra Aegis
Charm Inventory
Books of Kalan
Charm Inventory
Eternal Bone Pile
Charm Inventory
Moon of the Spider
Charm Inventory
Worldstone Orb
Charm Inventory
Catalyst of Learning
Catalyst Inventory
Catalyst of Disenchantment
Catalyst Inventory
Shaen Rune (13)
Enchanted Rune Inventory
Elemental Dominion
Elemental Dominion Inventory
Elemental Dominion
Elemental Dominion Inventory
Loz Rune (28)
Enchanted Rune Inventory
Perfect Ruby
Gem Inventory
Angel of Death
Amulet Inventory
Bone Chimes
Charm Inventory
Charm Inventory
Soul of Kabraxis
Charm Inventory
Spirit Trance Herb
Charm Inventory
The Butcher's Tooth (Heroic)
Charm Inventory
Catalyst of Jewelcraft
Catalyst Inventory
Catalyst of Transference
Catalyst Inventory
Elemental Dominion
Elemental Dominion Inventory
Cloak of the Outcast
Gambeson (SSU) Inventory
Silver Seal of Ureh
Charm Inventory
Neutrality Pact
Charm Inventory
Idol of Vanity
Charm Inventory
Fool's Gold
Charm Inventory
Six Angel Bag
Charm Inventory
Arcane Cluster [12x]
Arcane Cluster Inventory
Corrupted Cluster [66x]
Corrupted Cluster Inventory
Super Healing Potion
Potion Inventory
Toraja's Champion
Gilded Shield (SU) Inventory
Astrogha's Venom Stinger
Charm Inventory
The Sleep
Charm Inventory
Scroll of Kings
Charm Inventory
Corrupted Shards (4)
Corrupted Shards (4) Inventory
Greater Signet of Learning
Signet Inventory
Charged Riftstone (8)
Riftstone Inventory
Xazax's Illusion
Charm Inventory
Dragon Claw
Charm Inventory
Azmodan's Heart
Charm Inventory
Sunstone of the Gods
Charm Inventory
Horazon's Focus
Charm Inventory
Arcane Shards (4)
Arcane Shards (4) Inventory
Demonstone Blood
Jewel (TU) Inventory
Charged Riftstone (10)
Riftstone Inventory
Eyes of Septumos
Circlet (SU) Inventory
Essence of Time
Charm Inventory
Umbaru Treasure
Charm Inventory
Zakarum's Ear
Charm Inventory
Hammer of the Taan Judges
Charm Inventory
Sacred Worldstone Key
Charm Inventory
Perfect Amethyst
Gem Inventory
Large Signet of Learning [3x]
Signet Inventory
Cherry Inventory
The Ancient Repositories
Charm Inventory
Cold Fusion Schematics
Charm Inventory
Paragon Soulstone (5)
Charm Inventory
Cham Container (32) [4x]
Rune Container Inventory
Whisper of the Damned
Whisper of the Damned Inventory
Ol Rune (01)
Enchanted Rune Inventory
Depleted Riftstone (6) [2x]
Riftstone Inventory
Relic: Broadside
Charm Inventory
Relic: Wolf Companion
Charm Inventory
Relic: Guard Tower
Charm Inventory
Charm Inventory
Weather Control
Charm Inventory
Legacy of Blood
Charm Inventory
Visions of Akarat
Charm Inventory
Vez Rune (26)
Enchanted Rune Inventory
Fel Rune (19)
Enchanted Rune Inventory
Jah Container (31) [3x]
Rune Container Inventory
Elq Rune (02)
Enchanted Rune Inventory
Ka Rune (18)
Enchanted Rune Inventory
Ghal Rune
Rune Inventory
UMO Inventory
Ist Container (24) [7x]
Rune Container Inventory
Vex Container (26) [1x]
Rune Container Inventory
Zod Container (33) [16x]
Rune Container Inventory
Relic: Orb of Annihilation
Charm Inventory
Lylia's Curse
Charm Inventory
Crystalline Flame Medallion
Charm Inventory
The Black Road
Charm Inventory
Optical Detector (Heroic)
Charm Inventory
Chain Gloves (Sacred)
Chain Gloves (Craft) Mercenary
Witchhunter's Hood
Cap (Set) Mercenary
Death Ward
Amulet (SU) Mercenary
Bronze Sword (SU) Mercenary
Superior Ancient Armor (Sacred) Mercenary
Superior Plated Belt (Sacred) Mercenary
Belt (SSU) Stash
Endless Pride
Cap (SSSU) Stash
Superior Gauntlets (Sacred) Stash
Gauntlets (SU) Stash
Wind Runner
Superior Light Plated Boots (Sacred) [eth] Stash
Angelic Touch
Superior Light Belt (Sacred) Stash
Relic: Hawk Talons
Charm Stash
Urt Rune (09)
Enchanted Rune Stash
Khazra Plate
Ancient Armor (SSU) Stash
Cincture (Mastercrafted)
Cincture (Mastercrafted) Stash
Relic: Overkill
Charm Stash
The Sleep
Charm Stash
Veil of Steel
Great Helm (SSU) Stash
Eagle Eye
Assault Helmet (SU) Stash
Akarat's Trek
Light Plated Boots (SSU) Stash
Doomcloud Spine
Plated Belt (Set) Stash
Marchosias' Hatred
Heavy Belt (Set) Stash
Greater Signet of Learning [16x]
Signet Stash
Dulra Aegis
Charm Stash
Paragon Soulstone (5)
Charm Stash
Dagger (SSU) Stash
Belladonna Extract [8x]
Belladonna Extract Stash
Periapt of Life
UMO Stash
Maiden Spear (SU) Stash
The King of Ents
Labrys (SSU) [eth] Stash
Bone Chimes
Charm Stash
Orb of Annihilation
UMO Stash
Charged Riftstone (10)
Riftstone Stash
Black Void
Heavy Belt (SSU) Stash
Spirit of Creation
Charm Stash
Depleted Riftstone (7) [2x]
Riftstone Stash
Dream Fragment (2)
Dream Fragment (2) Stash
Dream Fragment (3)
Dream Fragment (3) Stash
Broad Sword (SU) Stash
Xazax's Illusion
Charm Stash
Silver Seal of Ureh
Charm Stash
Breath of Thaumaturgy
Breath of Thaumaturgy Stash
Empyrean Touch
Empyrean Touch Stash
Elemental Dominion
Elemental Dominion Stash
Dream Fragment (1)
Dream Fragment (1) Stash
Relic: Angel of Death
Charm Stash
Fool's Gold
Charm Stash
Astrogha's Venom Stinger
Charm Stash
Elemental Ire
Elemental Ire Stash
Arcane Hunger
Arcane Hunger Stash
Sigil of Absolution
Sigil of Absolution Stash
Depleted Riftstone (6) [14x]
Riftstone Stash
Dream Fragment (1)
Dream Fragment (1) Stash
Charged Riftstone (7)
Riftstone Stash
Worldstone Orb
Charm Stash
Zann Esu's Stone
Jewel (SU) Stash
Zakarum Stoning Rock
Jewel (TU) Stash
Umbaru Treasure
Charm Stash
Lylia's Curse
Charm Stash
The Glorious Book of Median
Charm Stash
Elemental Ire
Elemental Ire Stash
Elemental Dominion
Elemental Dominion Stash
Dream Fragment (1)
Dream Fragment (1) Stash
Dream Fragment (2)
Dream Fragment (2) Stash
Der Nebelring
Ring (SU) Stash
Legacy of Blood
Charm Stash
Star Chart (2)
Star Chart (2) Stash
Demonstone Blood
Jewel (TU) Stash
Demonstone Blood
Jewel (TU) Stash
Khazra Plate
Ancient Armor (SSU) Stash
Dragon Claw
Charm Stash
Relic: Apocalypse
Charm Stash
Demonstone Blood
Jewel (TU) Stash
Banisher of Light Fragment [3x]
Trophy Fragment Stash
UMO Stash
Legacy of Blood Fragment [2x]
Trophy Fragment Stash
Relic: Immersion
Charm Stash
Relic: Superbeast
Charm Stash
The Ancients' Legacy
Gilded Shield (SSU) Stash
Dragon Claw
Charm Stash
Oil of Augmentation
Oil Stash
Charged Riftstone (6) [2x]
Riftstone Stash
Dragon Claw
Charm Stash
Call of the Damned
Scroll Stash
Relic: Trinity Arrow
Charm Stash
Relic: War Cry
Charm Stash
Relic: Impale
Charm Stash
Silver Seal of Ureh
Charm Stash
Legacy of Blood
Charm Stash
Banisher of Light Trophy
Trophy Stash
Dragon Claw
Charm Stash
Dragon Claw
Charm Stash
Dragon Claw
Charm Stash
Azmodan's Heart
Charm Stash
Ring (SSU) Stash

Stats from gear - experimental

All Skills / Class Skills256
Maximum Skill / Experience069%
Life / Mana stolen per Hit62%29%
Life / Mana after each Kill09
Life / Mana on Striking00%
Life / Mana on Attack00%
Regenerate Life / Mana473.8/s10%
Cold Resistance / Max277%15%
Fire Resistance / Max194%12%
Lightning Resistance / Max198%10%
Poison Resistance / Max253%10%
Magic / Physical Resistance0%38%
Phys / Ele Damage Reduced50
Poison / Curse length reduction50%0%
Cold Absorb05%
Fire Absorb05%
Lightning Absorb05%
Magic Find / Gold Find170%-10%
Movement Speed / Light Radius55%-1
wIAS / gIAS100%200%
FHR / FBR25%25%
TCD / EWD298%478%
Attack Rating0874%
Crushing Blow / Deadly Strike14%49%
Chance to Avoid Damage0%
Slow Target / Attacker0%0%
Cold Damage0
Fire Damage0
Lightning Damage0
Magic Damage0
Cold Spell Damage / Pierce106%22%
Fire Spell Damage / Pierce81%10%
Lightning Spell Damage / Pierce81%20%
Poison Spell Damage / Pierce81%5%
P/M Spell Dam. / Poison Skill Dur.81%0%
Summoned Minion Life / Damage25%27%
Summoned Minion Resistances / AR24%120%

Credits: Big thanks to Kambala, Somnus, ryunp and all testers