Median XL - Filter Exchange

nuticfilter(bowzon) (nutic Bowzon)

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Show Items by Default

ID Action Quality Eth Specific condition Char lvl Item lvl Notify Map
1SHOWItem is: Positronic BrainNotify
2SHOWItem is: Boots (Sacred)NotifyMap
3SHOWItem is of type: ShrineNotify
4SHOWRareItem is: Reflex Bow (Sacred)NotifyMap
5SHOWRareItem is: Stag Bow (Sacred)NotifyMap
6SHOWItem is: AppleNotify
7SHOWItem is: CherryNotifyMap
8SHOWRareItem is of type: Quiver
9SHOWUniqueItem is of type: Tier SacredNotifyMap
11SHOWPart of a SetNotifyMap
12SHOWItem is of type: Tier AngelicNotify
13SHOWItem is of type: Enchant ScrollNotifyMap
14SHOWItem is of type: Rune GreatNotifyMap
15SHOWItem is of type: Rune EnchantedNotifyMap
16SHOWItem is of type: EssenceNotifyMap
17SHOWItem is of type: Rune ElementalNotify
18SHOWItem is of type: Signet AttributeNotify
19SHOWItem is of type: Color DyeNotifyMap
20SHOWItem is: Oil of AugmentationNotifyMap
21SHOWItem is: Oil of ConjurationNotifyMap
22SHOWItem is: Oil of Greater LuckNotifyMap
23SHOWItem is: Oil of IntensityNotifyMap
24SHOWItem is of type: RelicNotifyMap
25SHOWItem is of type: Arcane CrystalNotifyMap
26SHOWItem is of type: Arcane ShardNotifyMap
27SHOWItem is: Belladonna ExtractNotifyMap
28SHOWItem is: Heavenly SoulNotifyMap
29SHOWItem is of type: Special ShardNotify
30SHOWItem is of type: Special CrystalNotify
31SHOWItem is of type: TrophyMap
32SHOWItem is of type: EffigyNotifyMap
33SHOWItem is of type: EmblemNotifyMap
34SHOWItem is of type: RiftstoneNotifyMap
35SHOWItem is: Golden CycleNotifyMap
36SHOWItem is of type: Cycle LargeNotifyMap
37SHOWItem is of type: CycleNotify
38SHOWItem is of type: Mystic Orb UniqueNotifyMap
39SHOWItem is of type: Tier MastercraftedNotifyMap
40SHOWItem is of type: Design SchemeNotifyMap
41SHOWItem is of type: Quest ItemNotifyMap
42SHOWItem is of type: Quest RewardNotifyMap
45SHOWItem is: Super Mana Potion
46SHOWItem is: Super Healing Potion
47HIDEItem is of type: Gold
48HIDEItem is of type: Quiver
49HIDEMagicItem is of type: Jewelry
50HIDERareNonEthItem is of type: Tier Sacred
51HIDEMagicItem is of type: Tier Sacred
53HIDENormalNonEthItem is of type: Tier Sacred
54HIDELow Quality
55HIDEItem is of type: Potion Mana
56HIDEItem is of type: Potion Health
57HIDEItem is of type: Gem Imperfect
58HIDEItem is of type: Tier 4
59HIDEItem is of type: Tier 3
60HIDEItem is of type: Tier 2
61HIDEItem is of type: Tier 1