Median XL - HC tips

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Always keep video recording. If you die due to a server crash, disconnect, or significant lag (desync issues are generally not eligible, see below), contact Aahz (aahz9 on Discord) via direct message (DM) with a link to your video. You may be resurrected via a rollback to the last server backup.

  • Use /time in the video (if possible during the incident, otherwise do it in the lobby immediately after).
  • When you suspect any problem, press TAB to show game name and your ping (enable it in settings/interface).
  • Consider using OBS's Reply Buffer to save the last XX seconds of gameplay (tutorial).
  • Do not create or join a game with the deceased character while awaiting resurrection.

Resurrection Policy:

  • Only one resurrection per character, per season, will be granted.
  • Exceptions may be made for clear server problems, verified through server logs.

Resurrection Disqualifications:

  • Disconnections ("Connection interrupted" screen) and unsuccessful Save & Exit attempts outside of town do not qualify for resurrection.

Desync-Related Deaths:

  • For deaths caused by desync, evaluate: Could this have been prevented by better preparation, more careful play, or using movement skills like blink or teleport?
  • If you followed best practices and still died due to desync, you may be granted a resurrection, pending review of your video evidence.
  • Desync issues are generally not eligible for resurrection, as they are inherent engine problems. However, if you have video evidence of an extreme desync related death, provide it for review.

Mastercrafted items

  • Maiden Bow (Bow class): Amazon Defenders in Hell Tran Athulua
  • Kukri (Dagger class): Storyline side areas in Hell
  • Flying Khinzal (Throwing Knife class): Bremmtown (sub dungeon in Fauztinville)
  • Soulbinder Gloves (Glove class): exceedingly rare drop from Kurast 3000 BA (K3K)
Uber: Dimensional LabyrinthGenericGeneric

Dimensional keys

  • random type can drop from Corrupted heroes
  • There are 4 types of keys:
    • Onslaught - 75% Weapon Physical Damage and 5% Deadly Strike
    • Arcana - 35% Spell Damage and 5% Spell Focus
    • Primordia - 16% IED and 100-200 flat fcl ele to attacks
    • Mandate - 100% Minion Damage and 5% Max life & mana
  • Cube key with star chart pieces & dream fragments (one by one) to unlock first part of those bonuses
  • Cube key by itself after killing any difficulty Deimoss to unlock second part of those bonuses (5% DS / SF etc)
  • Cube key with Riftstones 1-10 one by one in ascending order for 75% Magic Find

Charged Riftstone (1)

Life: +100%
Damage: +50%
Elemental Resists: +15%

  • Cannot be Chilled or Frozen
  • Absorb 50% Fire, Cold and Lightning
  • Immune to Crowd Control, Max Slow Effect: 25%
  • Immune to Crushing Blow, 50% Less Poison Duration
  • Monster Heroes and Champions may spawn

Charged Riftstone (2)

Life: +120%
Damage: +60%
Monster Density: +10%
Elemental Resists: +21%

  • Dimensional Tear

Charged Riftstone (3)

Life: +140%
Damage: +70%
Monster Density: +10%
Elemental Resists: +21%

  • 50% Leech Resistance

Charged Riftstone (4)

Life: +160%
Damage: +80%
Monster Density: +10%
Elemental Resists: +24%

  • Curse Redux
  • +70% Movement Speed

Charged Riftstone (5)

Life: +180%
Damage: +90%
Monster Density: +10%
Elemental Resists: +27%

  • No Monster Corpses

Charged Riftstone (6)

Life: +200%
Damage: +100%
+ Pack Size: +20%
Monster Density: +10%
Elemental Resists: +30%

  • Empowered Skills

Charged Riftstone (7)

Life: +220%
Damage: +110%
Pack Size: +20%
Monster Density: +10%
Elemental Resists: +33%

  • Reduce Player Avoid and Block on Hit

Charged Riftstone (8)

Life: +240%
Damage: +120%
Pack Size: +20%
Monster Density: +10%
Elemental Resists: +36%

  • Gain 200% of Physical Damage as Elemental

Charged Riftstone (9)

Life: +260%
Damage: +130%
Pack Size: +20%
Monster Density: +10%
Elemental Resists: +40%

  • Pierce 100% Elemental Resists

Charged Riftstone (10)

Life: +300%
Damage: +150%
Pack Size: +20%
Monster Density: +40%
Elemental Resists: +45%

  • Nemesis (3x Heroes, Champions and Sovereigns)

Star Chart

1: Corrupted Assassin
2: Abyssal Shrine
3: Navigator
4: Unstable Anomaly

Dream Fragment

1: Corrupted Amazon
2: Corrupted Barbarian
3: Corrupted Necromancer
4: Gharbad the Weak
5: Phoboss

Uber: ScosglenGenericGeneric

When monsters around turn dark grey, look for Ominous Guardian - when you kill it, corrupted druid spawns so better be prepared and clear area from monsters first.

Corrupted Bosses have a 20% chance to spawn the designs and 1% chance for a Tenet

Find 4 Protected Chests in Scosglen (map), kill them to get 4 scrolls, cube scrolls to create Dulra Aegis Design. Then kill Corrupted Druids to get Tenet Design (Tenets)

Ingredients to design Tenets

  • each Tenet also costs 1,000,000 Gold to create

Tenet of Judgement - Corrupted Werewolf

  • Xazax's Illusion
  • 25 Shrines
  • 3 Sacred Unique Gloves
  • Greater Signet of Learning
  • 2 Corrupted Crystals
  • 3 Arcane Crystals

Tenet of Vigor - Corrupted Wereowl

  • Books of Kalan
  • 5 Enchanted Runes
  • 3 Sacred Unique Body Armors
  • Greater Signet of Learning
  • 2 Corrupted Crystals
  • 3 Arcane Crystals

Tenet of Harmony - Corrupted Naturist

  • Weather Control
  • 4 Large Cycles
  • 3 Unique Rings
  • Greater Signet of Learning
  • 2 Corrupted Crystals
  • 3 Arcane Crystals

Tenet of Wisdom - Corrupted Seer

  • Ghost Trance
  • Relic
  • 3 Sacred Unique Belts
  • Greater Signet of Learning
  • 2 Corrupted Crystals
  • 3 Arcane Crystals

Tenet of Conflict - Corrupted Hunter

  • Neutrality Pact
  • 3 Unique Mystic Orbs
  • 3 Sacred Unique Boots
  • Greater Signet of Learning
  • 2 Corrupted Crystals
  • 3 Arcane Crystals

Tenet of Restraint - Corrupted Werebear

  • The Sleep
  • Any Emblem
  • 3 Unique Amulets
  • Greater Signet of Learning
  • 2 Corrupted Crystals
  • 3 Arcane Crystals

to change Dulra Aegis charm

  • Perfect Ruby : Class Skill
  • Perfect Emerald : Speed
  • Perfect Saphire : Pierce
  • Perfect Skull : Minions Stats
  • Perfect Topaz : Stats
  • Perfect Diamond : Max res
  • Perfect Amethyst : Res
Uber: The Binding of BaalGenericGeneric

Don't try this before lvl 120 unless you know what you're doing. Max your lightning res.
JACMA — 2024-10-13 at 17:22
2 abilities that are dangerous is a lightning circle falling on the ground (i think it hits for 7-8k with 90 light res without absorb and melee devotion) and his poison stage
Giu — 2024-10-13 at 17:45
yea if you get hit by either you pretty much dead
plr might help with psn tho
go down to 1 hp for only 3 s

Uber: AstroghaGenericGeneric

Astrogha 2.3.0 greeny curse will decrease some of your stats

  • 50% MS
  • 250% EWD
  • 50% fire/light/cold pierce
  • 75% PMSD
  • 40% IED
Uber: Kingdom of ShadowGenericGeneric
  • Keep your warp skill (blink, teleport, jitan's gate) cooldown all the time, a.k.a always using it when possible
  • Try to have short cooldown warp skill, I.E max blink, or at least teleport from void charm. Jitan's gate is not recommended.
  • Try to not have block if possible, because block causes so much desync, but instead get avoid/def as high as possible (200k def without avoid, or 70% avoid and 80k+ def)
  • Have any kind of regen is good stuff. If not, use potion every 7 seconds, just to be safe. Unless you know you're tanky enough
Uber: DuncraigGenericGeneric

Summon or melee merc shouldn't be here as they will draw out the barrels from >1 screen and these barrels are usually invisible. For assur, make sure to have 320-360 fire res (320 can be OK, but try to get 360), because he has 200% fire pierce


Highest Possible Enchanted Rune drop per area:
Duncraig: Yst Rune (24)
Fauzt: Loz Rune (28)
Fauzt Mini Bosses: Bur Rune (30)
Scosglen: Xod Rune (33)

Uber: Herald of The EndGenericGeneric

Samael Guide Thread

Uber: ScosglenGenericGeneric

Corrupted Druids

  • Corrupted Seer spawns with 2 Etherborns = you see that happen, you press save/exit and make a new game

  • Corrupted Werebear spawns with like 8 fire trees = teleport over a wall or river/lake or some other obstacle and gg outrange her, try not to get melee'd by him cause you might end up stunlocked and ripped in pieces

  • Corrupted Wereowl spawns with bunch of satyrs = stay away from the eggs he lays and leave the covered by spikes areas asap

  • Corrupted Naturist spawns solo I think but he has his own summons = every time you kill a hatchling it leaves a very dangerous poisonous area on the ground (usually under the entity that killed them?) so run away when you kill his summons, try not to stay inside the mythal curse or just overcap your res by like extra 20-30%, he also throws some poison on you but not very lethal

  • Corrupted Hunter spawns with a bear companion = stay away from the bear as it casts shower of rocks on melee attack and it hurts a lot, try to separate the bear from the hunter and kill it while kiting around, the hunter runs around a lot and casts phalanx which doesn't do that much damage but his fire arrow chunks you really hard so I guess run around in circles

  • Corrupted Werewolf spawns with a pack of wolves and they all make each other tougher to kill, but despawn if you get few screens away so that's the first thing you do = run far away, main wolf will chase you with teleport and spam tornadoes and drain your mana but he's really squishy so it's fine, just don't run over stacked tornadoes and bring a mana potion or two


  • there are big trees with red crown that throw some poison splashy thing, they spawn stuff that hatch into big trees with green crown that melee attack
  • There are also medium trees with orange crown, can't really get those wrong, it's the fire trees with path of flames or whatever it's called and some pulsating fire dmg aura
  • There are also satyr looking like I think called dryad spawns or spriggans, they throw physical dart projectiles with crushing blow
  • There are also scytheclaws that sometimes respawn after killed unless you have the rip recipe, they tend to swarm and bodyblock you and have a chance to poison you on hit, their tiny hitbox is annoying for melee builds because you can't hold right click to continuously attack them on the way
  • There are also etherborns that throw lightning, chain lightning, a temporal buff that throws lightning bolts from the sky on enemies, cast frost breath and blizzard and also have a chance to teleport when struck
  • There are also ominous guardians that have big damage reduction aura that desaturates the monsters and they spawn 1 out of the 6 random corrupted druids when slain
  • There is also the miniboss in the graveyard area known as meat guy or eleventh eye which most people skip so I don't feel like going over his mechanics
  • There is an invisible entity that casts blizzard in the snowy area so most people avoid that too despite it not being that much dangerous
Uber: Spirit WorldGenericGeneric

Don't use minions/merc (they can make tornados desync (even more) - appearing elsewhere)
Don't trust tornados visual - their center is where Giyua teleports for the first time = around you
Don't walk while tornados are active, if you must move TP (blink) to the maximum distance and then run for a bit

Uber: Yshari SanctumGenericGeneric

You can use Mystic Orbs on set pieces - check your breakpoints and add FCR+FHR MO as needed.

Lucas: Never stand still, make ovals not circles (circles keep mobs in the way of holy bolt but longer ovals help with the 5s cooldown rhythm and keeps mobs out of the way)
Spellbind or other sources of slow help for landing shots
And try to only keep 1-2 guards alive

Uber: Nephalem's SacrificeGenericGeneric

There are several zones to progress through, to reach Uldysian the Tainted. It is mostly straight-forward, without many hidden surprises. In the River of Flames area, Belial can be skipped, as Azmodan only needs to be defeated to open the portal to progress.

The Uber-Tristram zone is extremely dangerous for HC players that are unaware of how powerful Mefis is

**Mefis has an Ice Lance attack, which instantly depletes >15k life, even with 90% Cold Resistance.
This attack does not have a visual or audio cue. The only way to avoid the attack, is to avoid Mefis entirely.

As of MXL version 2.4, the only way to avoid him is to tightly hug the east wall (right side), all the way to the bottom, then hug the south wall (bottom side), to find Diabla. Diabla opens the portal to the next zone.**


A1: Oil of Greater Luck - 40% lucky

  • Cave 1&2 (Cold Plains)
  • Hole 1&2 (Black Marsh)
  • The Pit (Tamoe Highlands)

A2: Oil of Augmentation - Magic -> Rare

  • Stony Tomb/Treasure Vault (Rocky Wastes)
  • Halls of the Dead 1-3 (Dry Hills)
  • Ancient Tunnels (Lost City)

A3: Oil of Intensity - Shrine craft/bless stats roll in the top half of the range

  • Spider Caverns (Spider Forest)
  • Swampy Pit 1&2, Flayer Dungeon 1-3 (Flayer Jungle)
  • The 6 Temples (Kurast Bazaar, Upper Kurast, Kurast Causeway)
Uber: Invasion IIIGenericGeneric

Ascendent Riftwalker has 4 attacks :

  • Retaliate : there's a cold animation above him (hard to see) and he get immortal shortly before (better watch for Immune to All Damage text on his lifebar), avoided by staying close
  • Fire aura : there's a fire animation above him and a cold circle and a shambler appear at the same time somewhere around, shortly after the animation change and most of the arena get hit by big fire damage / sec, unless you stay inside the cold circle. There's a few places on the edge of the maps that work as well but they're very small and unreliable.
    He can spam them so stay alert
  • Lightning swirl : See which direction he's facing to know where he'll throw it
  • Rift storm : some happens randomly without him doing anything, and I think it depend on your position a little bit, but he can cast lots of them in one go.

The common strategy is max lightning resist to not care about the swirl, and stay close most of the time, only moving to get in the cold circle. You can attack him anytime

(Tips by Lynderika)

Uber: AstroghaGenericGeneric

Astrogha has been redone, it's no longer the bane of melee classes but there are still some things to consider:

  • The fight is now 2 phases. There are 4 totems that summon spiders, killing the totem will eliminate future summons but they are optional. The caster-type spiders are the most dangerous and spawn at the top totem. Totems also drop a big cache of items when destroyed.
  • Astrogha lets out a dark cloud that flows out in a line. Avoid standing in the line as it hurts alot. The cloud doesn't move like Riftwalker lightning spiral so you can stand still.
  • The spiders from the bottom totem drop a pile on the ground that debuffs by slowing and stopping you from casting range skills
  • Astrogha emits poison clouds that hurt quite a bit, recommend at least 85+ poison resist. Poison length reduction also good.
  • During phase 2 of the fight, Astrogha creates 2 clones of itself. Killing the correct version will also eliminate the clones.
  • Beware eggs that hatch in phase 2. They spawn deadly melee monsters that are fast and hit hard - if you can kill the eggs before they hatch, do it.
Uber: Heart of SinGenericGeneric

Azmodan drops very small mines on the ground during the fight so watch your feet. The mines stays on the ground even after the boss is dead so be careful when you try to loot.


Use a good item filter, it will save your entire life from having to look for stuff you want and/or need, specially when its offscreen and all you have to do is check the ground or the notifications :D

It also helps with the progression, picking up useful stuff and unclogging the screen.

Uber: Legion of the DamnedGenericGeneric

DO NOT ever stand on top of Manoruk, he can cast a nova which can 1hko if you do.


If you are playing with people whose servers are placed on a different continent, please keep in mind that lags may occur.

Uber: The TriuneGenericGeneric

Malic projectiles apply a dot (I believe fire), can't be blocked even tho you hear the block sound, can be avoided
Malic can teleport you around (sometimes into an already landing meteor) and summon bats at the same time
Malic periodically summons a random minion from the zone (physical golem, totem pillar, lightning spectre, frost elemental)
Don't let bats hit you as they will drain you to 1 hp REALLY REALLY fast (I think it's poison but no resistances will help you whatsoever, at least it stops when you reach 1 hp)
Lucion casts the dot curse if he's in range and not mindcontrolled
Lucion periodically casts fire pits around himself once he's enraged which happens around 50-60% boss hp (huge fire dmg if you get hit) but they don't harm you if he is mindcontrolled
I recommend clearing the area around before you start or during the fight while Lucion is mindcontrolled
Recommended resistances are 80-85 fire, 80-85 lightning, 75+ cold and 80-85 poison

Uber: Legion of the DamnedGenericGeneric

Destroy just the first 2 pillars and the last 2, ignore the rest.
If you attack has big AoE stay in the bottom corner during the fight to avoid accidently destroying more pillars.
Don't stay near the Manoruk (center) because his nova can shotgun you.
Phys res is the most important there, also have poison at least 84%


Useful links

Uber: Kurast 3000 BAGenericGeneric

Generally not a very dangerous area, but fresh 115 in there, monsters can hurt. Specially if you get swarmed by hawks, they hurt. The lightning spell from the towers can also hurt if u have no res whatsoever. So just don't get cocky, and clear stuff from a distance as much as possible. If you are melee, don't rambo in without gear and clear as you walk up

Uber: Island of the Sunless SeaGenericGeneric

This area is one of the first scary places to die if you don't know what to expect. Monsters are invisible and they will swarm you quickly. You need good physical resistances or summons and good aoe clear. The minibosses can hit hard too, so definetely do not try to facetank them unless you know what you are doing. IF you dont have summons, play around with act 2 shapeshifter mercenary, he will tank for you. Generally just pre-shoot ur skills / attacks as much as you can, (with ground attacks from this patch) it should be a bit easier to kill them before they swarm, just remember they are invisibile and swam you easily.

Uber: Viz-junGenericGeneric

90 fire+ poi res, lot of plr( astro charm is a must here), 50 pr ofc. Then u need decent life, melee dev is welcomed. My spear with 16-18k hp can tank 3 nuke b4 dying.

Uber: The TriuneGenericGeneric


  • Meteors from Temple Spires are the most dangerous here - best to have max fire res and as much life as you can (15K) and dont tank them ofc
  • Cold beam from Kraken guards can also be dangerous with low cold res - aim for 82-85% cold res and it also chills you (bad if you sustain - LoMA - relies on fast attack)


  • Check Istaryu's Guide to Triune boss fight
  • If Lucion keeps attacking you after charming him either quickly TP to town or go to melee range with him.
Uber: The TriuneDruidGeneric

There's a Dominate oskill on Druid Helms (craft/rare/magic) which is much better for charming Lucion because it has fixed 20s duration and short cooldown.

Uber: The VoidGenericGeneric

Don't stand in the blood ritual circle, otherwise you will get 200% res penalty (red eye status nears mana pool), and easily get one shot. Instead, just stand close by the circle, while baiting for inarius to be inside it, and deal dmg when he's vulnerable. If you're close by the circle and still get red eye status, just move outside a little bit to removing it, or abandon the turn to be safer

Uber: Infernal MachineGenericMelee

This uber is dangerous with melee build, especially trap rat, they will melt you quickly, try to get PR first and come back later.


Recommended resists while leveling:

  • A1 normal: 10% - 20% fire, poison
  • A3 normal: 50% all res, light/cold higher if possible
  • A4 normal: 75% fire res
  • A5 normal - 105: 75% elemental res
  • 105+: >75% elemental res depends on ubers
Uber: Archbishop LazarusGenericGeneric
  1. Life 16k - 20k, no more, no less (exception is pal)
  2. Need high avoid/defense/claw block, normal block is not recommended on HC (the lower the better)
  3. Max breakpoints: 3-4 fpa fhr/fbr (fbr if having block, even a little), 5-6 fpa attack/cast
  4. Slow target 25% to slow laz, 10%-30% Magic res
  5. Melee devotion is a must
  6. Pick a route that doesnt depend on teleport (if having normal block, even a little)
  7. For each laz pounce, either hit ONE normal atk to slow or cast purify (first time can be both)
  8. After done 7, run for 0.3-0.5s to avoid tremor from totems, then walk and stand constantly to reset purify cooldown, as well as avoid deathstrike
  9. Pick one long straight section of the map to out run laz and go around clear groupies/totems, to reset
  10. laz will pounce if he loses his sight on you, either far distance (1 screen) or block by obstacle, use this for 9 and kite laz around the map
  11. No proc, no reanimate (from gear, charm, skill,...)
  12. Only single target attack allowed (no aoe skill, no aoe weapon,...) for slow
  13. Must have Cannot be frozen
  14. The higher life regen, the better, and better if regen to %hp
  15. Do not purify laz when standing far from him
Uber: Tran AthuluaGenericGeneric

Basically, need to achieve 15% cth from mobs by having def 200k+ (or lower if having block/avoid, still the more the better). Be aware to invest FBR if having block. FHR/FBR should be 5fpa or lower. Lastly, some life sustain will be a big help

Uber: Tran AthuluaGenericGeneric

Try to get some physical resistance. Watch out for the Amazon defender’s arrow spam.


A1 jail levels: be careful, try to cap resistance. Especially cold is useful.


When you get to 3rd act and kill mephisto - feel free to farm uniques from him till you craft all the uniques you need.
