Median XL - Filter Exchange

progressivefilter (general)

Generic filter by breathingbomb

hide and show items depends on your level.
made in a way everything with show on map is good to pick up.
to prevent zakarum's ear being annoying, above lvl 135 charms are not shown on map, still in show item
less important thing is in show items

these may confuse you
up to level 40 nothing is in hide
gold is hidden above level 110
above level 145 some low level set items are shown but not in show on map
above level 130 no gems are shown
low strength sacred armor base is shown up to level125
t3 (glove is t2) honorific base is shown up to level100

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Show Items by Default

ID Action Quality Eth Specific condition Char lvl Item lvl Notify Map
1SHOWItem is: Corrupted TreasureMap
2SHOWItem is: Belladonna ExtractMap
3SHOWItem is: Full Rejuvenation Potion
4SHOWItem is: Super Mana Potion
5SHOWItem is: Super Healing Potion
6HIDEItem is of type: Potion≥ 50
7SHOWItem is: Circlet (Sacred)≤ 125
8SHOWItem is: Quilted Armor (Sacred)≤ 125
9SHOWItem is: Sash (Sacred)≤ 125
10SHOWItem is: Boots (4)≤ 125
11SHOWItem is: Cap (Sacred)≤ 125
12SHOWItem is: Leather Gloves (Sacred)≤ 125
13SHOWItem is: Boots (Sacred)≤ 125
14SHOWRareItem is: Cap (3)≤ 100
15SHOWMagicItem is: Cap (3)≤ 100
16SHOWRareItem is: Boots (3)≤ 100
17SHOWMagicItem is: Boots (3)≤ 100
18SHOWRareItem is: Sash (3)≤ 100
19SHOWMagicItem is: Sash (3)≤ 100
20SHOWRareItem is: Leather Gloves (2)≤ 100
21SHOWMagicItem is: Leather Gloves (2)≤ 100
22SHOWRareItem is of type: Gear≤ 100
23SHOWRareItem is of type: Tier Sacred≤ 135
24SHOWSuperiorEthItem is of type: Tier Sacred≤ 148Notify
25SHOWSuperiorEthItem is of type: Tier Sacred
26SHOWPart of a Set
27SHOWPart of a Set≥ 146≥ 115Map
28SHOWPart of a Set≤ 145Map
29SHOWUniqueItem is of type: GearMap
30SHOWItem is: Oil of Greater Alchemy (3)Map
31SHOWItem is: Oil of ConjurationMap
32SHOWItem is: Oil of IntensityMap
33SHOWItem is: Oil of Greater LuckMap
34SHOWItem is of type: Design SchemeNotifyMap
35SHOWUniqueItem is of type: QuiverMap
36SHOWRareItem is of type: Quiver
37HIDEItem is of type: Quiver≥ 40
38SHOWItem is: Perfect Onyx≤ 130Map
39SHOWItem is: Perfect Turquoise≤ 130Map
40SHOWItem is: Perfect Bloodstone≤ 130Map
41SHOWItem is: Perfect Amber≤ 130Map
42HIDEItem is of type: Gem Imperfect≥ 46
43SHOWItem is of type: Gem≥ 46 and ≤ 130
44HIDEItem is of type: Gem≥ 45
45SHOWItem is of type: Rune EnchantedMap
46SHOWItem is: Xith RuneNotifyMap
47SHOWItem is of type: EssenceMap
48SHOWItem is of type: Rune ElementalNotifyMap
49SHOWItem is of type: Rune Common≤ 130
50SHOWItem is of type: Rune Common≤ 110Map
51HIDEItem is of type: Rune Common
52SHOWItem is of type: RiftstoneNotifyMap
53SHOWItem is of type: RelicNotifyMap
54SHOWItem is of type: Jewel≥ 99
55SHOWItem is of type: Jewel≤ 50
56SHOWUniqueItem is of type: JewelMap
57HIDEItem is of type: Jewel
58SHOWUniqueItem is of type: Jewelry
59SHOWRareItem is of type: Jewelry
60SHOWMagicItem is of type: Jewelry≤ 70
61HIDEItem is of type: Jewelry
62HIDEItem is of type: Gold≥ 110
63SHOWItem is of type: Quest Reward≤ 135NotifyMap
64SHOWItem is of type: Quest ItemMap
65SHOWItem is of type: EmblemNotifyMap
66SHOWItem is of type: Catalyst≤ 100NotifyMap
67SHOWItem is of type: CycleMap
68SHOWItem is of type: EffigyNotifyMap
69SHOWItem is of type: Mystic Orb UniqueNotifyMap
70SHOWItem is of type: Arcane CrystalMap
71SHOWItem is of type: Arcane ShardMap
72SHOWItem is of type: Rune GreatNotifyMap
73SHOWItem is of type: Shrine≤ 140Map
74HIDEItem is of type: Signet Gold≥ 120
75SHOWItem is of type: Signet AttributeMap
76SHOWItem is of type: Special CrystalMap
77SHOWItem is of type: Special ShardMap
78SHOWItem is of type: Tier Angelic
79SHOWItem is of type: Tier MastercraftedNotifyMap
80SHOWItem is of type: TrophyNotifyMap
81HIDEItem is of type: Gear≥ 40