Filter I use while playing, for my guide.
-Hides items not setup in filter after level 120 (Including Gold)
-Shows only Sur (75) + after level 100
-Shows Ethereal Items
-Shows all Runes above level 90 (Ench, Ele, Great)
-Hides Uniques below level 40 after level 120
-Shows Mastercrafted items
-Shows Angelics
-Shows Sets
-Shows Quest Items
-Show Belladonna
-Shows Arcane Jewels
-Notifies Arcane Shards
-Notifies about Jewels
-Notifies Emblems
-Notifies Dyes
-Notifies Shrines
-Notifies Superior Items T4 - Sacred
ID | Action | Quality | Eth | Specific condition | Char lvl | Item lvl | Notify | Map |
1 | SHOW | Item is: Ascendant Riftwalker Essence | ||||||
2 | SHOW | Item is: Greater Riftwalker Essence | ||||||
3 | SHOW | Item is: Corrupted Treasure | Notify | Map | ||||
4 | HIDE | Item is of type: Gold | ≥ 110 | |||||
5 | SHOW | Item is: Zod Rune | ≥ 100 | Notify | ||||
6 | SHOW | Item is: Cham Rune | ≥ 100 | Notify | ||||
7 | SHOW | Item is: Jah Rune | ≥ 100 | Notify | ||||
8 | SHOW | Item is: Ber Rune | ≥ 100 | Notify | ||||
9 | SHOW | Item is: Lo Rune | ≥ 100 | Notify | ||||
10 | SHOW | Item is: Sur Rune | ≥ 100 | Notify | ||||
11 | SHOW | Item is of type: Rune Common | ≥ 1 and ≤ 100 | Notify | ||||
12 | SHOW | Superior | Eth | ≥ 30 | Notify | |||
13 | SHOW | Item is of type: Gem | ≤ 75 | Notify | ||||
14 | SHOW | Item is of type: Gem Perfect | Notify | |||||
15 | SHOW | Item is of type: Tier Angelic | Notify | |||||
16 | SHOW | Item is: Belladonna Extract | Notify | Map | ||||
17 | SHOW | Item is of type: Essence | Notify | Map | ||||
18 | SHOW | Item is: Runestone | Notify | Map | ||||
19 | SHOW | Item is of type: Shrine | Notify | |||||
20 | SHOW | Item is of type: Quest Item | Notify | Map | ||||
21 | SHOW | Item is of type: Jewel | Notify | |||||
22 | SHOW | Item is of type: Trophy | Notify | Map | ||||
23 | SHOW | Item is of type: Tier Mastercrafted | Notify | Map | ||||
24 | SHOW | Item is of type: Signet Attribute | Notify | Map | ||||
25 | SHOW | Item is of type: Rune Great | Notify | Map | ||||
26 | SHOW | Item is of type: Rune Enchanted | Notify | Map | ||||
27 | SHOW | Item is of type: Rune Elemental | Notify | Map | ||||
28 | SHOW | Item is of type: Relic | Notify | Map | ||||
29 | SHOW | Item is of type: Mystic Orb Unique | Notify | Map | ||||
30 | SHOW | Item is of type: Enchant Scroll | Notify | Map | ||||
31 | SHOW | Item is of type: Emblem | Notify | |||||
32 | SHOW | Item is of type: Effigy | Notify | |||||
33 | SHOW | Item is of type: Cycle | Notify | Map | ||||
34 | SHOW | Item is of type: Color Dye | Notify | |||||
35 | SHOW | Superior | ≥ 75 and ≤ 150 | Notify | ||||
36 | SHOW | Item is of type: Arcane Shard | Notify | |||||
37 | SHOW | Item is of type: Arcane Crystal | Notify | Map | ||||
38 | SHOW | Part of a Set | Notify | Map | ||||
39 | SHOW | Unique | ≥ 80 and ≤ 150 | ≥ 40 and ≤ 150 | Notify | Map | ||
40 | SHOW | Unique | ≥ 1 and ≤ 80 | ≥ 1 and ≤ 120 | Notify | Map | ||
41 | HIDE | ≥ 120 | ≥ 1 and ≤ 60 |